Community-in-Practice (CiP) matters
practitioners, calendar, membership, gatherings & more
People who have participated in the 4-day POPIA (or equivalent) training are eligible to become Community Approved Practitioners working with others in a professional capacity when they:
This is how we safeguard those we support, ourselves as practitioners and this practice. As PIA Practitioners, we expand our scope of expertise through regular practice – always starting with ourselves, then moving on to offering One-to-One support, then Groups. Some progress to become Associate Supervisors, Associate Trainers and Lead Supervisors/Trainers.
If you are looking for a Presence in Action Practitioner to work with you, please look here Find a Practitioner.
Future Presence-in-Action learning events and CiP gatherings
As a POPIA graduate, your first year Personal CiP Membership (CiP-Pers) is included in your training fee. As a CiP member, you will receive occasional CiP Correspondence letting you know about CiP news and upcoming CiP gatherings. Your membership also gives you access to additional learning events. If you wish to attend CiP gatherings in future years, you will need to renew your CiP membership annually or set up a monthly standing order at the Members’ Shop.
As a Member, you will receive CiP Certificates for all events you attend. Your fee also contributes to the organisation of CiP gatherings; administration of the CiP; production of CiP Correspondence newsletters. It helps us develop and maintain the CiP database where we collect your CiP attendance hours and information and documentation related to your Community Approved Practitioner (CAP) progression. If you wish to develop your skills beyond self-practice to professionally support others 1-1 and in groups then you will renew as a Professional CiP Member (CiP-Pro).
Your CiP membership also assures the continuation of a longitudinal developmental research programme established by the founding members of the Presence-in-Action CiP. This emergent research programme supports each member’s ongoing personal development; assures the relevance, efficacy and validity of our individual and collective praxis; enhances our coherence as a CiP; and facilitates us in passing on the P6 Constellation to those whose lives we touch. This process and CiP infrastructure has emerged incrementally, enabling us to extend our individual and collective capacity to reach more of the people we want to serve. We believe this is a truly unique undertaking in the history of practitioner research in the ‘supporting professions’. In this regard it is a remarkable ongoing development opportunity for anyone wishing to engage in co-creative learning with committed others who want to play their part in making the world a better place for all.
The Presence in Action CiP gathers several times a year with dates currently scheduled in Edinburgh and London. From February/March 2019, and thereafter on a 15-18 month cycle, one of our CiP gatherings will be a BIG Community Bash.
We run our CiP gatherings on a ‘bring and share’ basis. We share food at mealtimes. We share our experiences, insights, challenges and learning. We consider the future opportunities arising for us as practitioners of this work. We practice with each other in real-time, on live issues that call for our attention. In so doing, we deepen our relationships, strengthen our presence-in-action praxis and leave stimulated, resourced and ready for all that life brings us! Participating wholly and wholeheartedly in these gatherings helps us safeguard our trustworthiness not only as Presence in Action Practitioners but as ordinary people in relationships with others, connected into our families, our communities and organisations.
Please follow these links to access our CiP Members’ pages [yet to come] and our Members’ Shop to purchase PIA Practitioner resources. At the present time, you will need to ask us for a password.