Presence in Action ~ seeding symmathesic agency

Welcome to Potent 6!

In Potent 6, we witness deep change in those we support. We recognise that to safeguard our own trustworthiness, we need to attend to ourselves – not in isolation, but in accordance with the principle of Natural Inclusion – in mutual co-creative relationship with each other within our neighbourhoods and communities, in the context of the wider world.  We practice what we teach and share what we learn in reciprocal receptive-responsive interplay.

The P6 Constellation is a powerful yet simple framework, which when used regularly, develops a capacity we call Presence in Action (PIA). This helps us illuminate and liberate ourselves from stuck and destructive patterns in our lives, transforming our relationships with ourselves and others. The P6 Constellation helps us recognise and gain a deeper appreciation of the elements within that drive us all.  Through regular support within our Community-in-Practice, we find ourselves increasingly in flow and becoming ever more effective and trustworthy in all we do whatever our context. Through the P6 Constellation, Presence in Action has become accessible to people of all ages, across cultures and different social and professional contexts. See what people say

What people say about Potent 6

I think you have designed a very special enabling process for everyone and for all the levels in the system. As I said at the time your facilitation gifts are very special. I think your vulnerability coupled with the strength of your being, creativity and thinking really shone through from the start and held the group very safely.

You are a first-rate facilitator/trainer combining intellectual rigour with emotional intelligence. I loved the way you used what was in the room as material and the way you used yourself and your stories not merely to illustrate but to share how you aim to be.

Through the work we did, I gained a profound understanding that to reach my full potential I had to break the repeating patterns in both my professional and personal life that were holding me back. This profound realisation was ultimately tremendously empowering – because I suddenly understood that, as I was complicit in these patterns, I had the power to change them and have begun to do so in every part of my life

Louie has an extraordinary style that commands both respect and authority, while soothing and non-threatening at the same time. She is obviously very knowledgeable with a wealth of experience that she often quotes during the sessions to add realism to the presentations. An extraordinary professional and a captivating presenter and teacher. I look forward to the next chance that I will have to be trained by her.

Louie has helped me to develop a clear perspective and a way forward on a series of complex issues, within a period of intense professional and personal challenge. She has a calm yet incisive approach which I feel is the perfect response to the often frantic pace of life.

The work I have undertaken with Louie has been rewarding, stimulating and extremely challenging.  I would go so far as to say that my experience has been life changing. I would strongly recommend Louie as an Executive Coach because of the skills, experience and insight she brings to the process.

Working with Louie has had a very positive impact on my life both personally and professionally. I have been able to work on the negative aspects of my behaviour that ultimately had a detrimental impact on my life and although this has not always been easy to do, the results have been literally life-changing.

The sessions with Louie were not only helpful to my performance as a manager but were helpful to me as an individual. they encouraged me, within a safe environment, to reflect upon how I approached certain issues and how I could subconsciously impact upon the message I was trying to convey.

This [Presence in Action] is a gentle and powerful approach to understanding the thoughts, beliefs and emotions that tend to affect our lives and our relationships. It goes further than most coach training & self development methods in that this new understanding is reached at a deeper, more embodied level … so much so that it leads to a level of awareness that is not just in the head but in your whole being.  This leads to internal shifts and change that have more impact, clarity and stickability than anything I have tried before.

Presence in Action: realising reciprocal change…

Transforming ourselves and the realms in which we find ourselves is possible but not in the ways we may think or expect.  In a world as complex as ours, personal and so-called systemic change do not happen on command.  In Potent 6 we offer new ways to see, understand and engage in the world – helping you to embrace reality in all its complexity.  We help you to access and enhance your capacity to influence and navigate change in all aspects of your life.  We introduce you to a different way of engaging in the world which we call Presence in Action. This manifests outwardly as coherent, timely action accessed by developing your acuity, agility, fluency and artistry in engaging with life as it is not as you think it ‘should’ be.

This core capacity enables you to transform your own unhelpful repeating patterns and changes the nature and reach of  your influence on others.  Presence in Action is a first-person capacity, seeded and supported in the context of others, that lays the foundations for the emergence of a complex meta-conscious capacity we call Symmathesic Agency.  Community Accepted Presence in Action Practitioners nurture Presence in Action and Symmathesic Agency through the P6 Constellation, PAI (Point Attractor Inquiry) and the Participation Compass. To find out more about these, please contact us.

Когато избирате казино онлайн, е важно да вземете предвид редица фактори, включително законност, сигурност и методи на плащане. Най-добрите онлайн казина използват технология за криптиране и други мерки за сигурност, за да защитят парите и личната ви информация. Освен това те ще предлагат разнообразни методи за плащане, които са лесни за използване и сигурни.
Най-разпространените методи за плащане в онлайн казината са кредитните и дебитните карти. Те се считат за най-надеждни и сигурни. Налични са обаче и много други възможности, включително електронни портфейли и криптовалути.
Независимо от избрания от вас метод, преди да направите депозит, не забравяйте да прочетете правилата и условията. Те могат да включват изисквания за залагане, минимални депозити и други ограничения. Освен това някои бонуси и промоции могат да бъдат придружени от определени условия и ограничения, които трябва да вземете предвид, преди да се регистрирате. Например някои бонусни оферти изискват да изиграете сумата на бонуса определен брой пъти, преди да можете да я изтеглите.
Българските онлайн казина предлагат разнообразни игри, включително слотове, игри на маса като блекджек и рулетка, както и видео покер.
Те разполагат и с голям избор от слотове с джакпот. Някои сайтове дори организират специални турнири с високи наградни фондове за редовни играчи. Те предлагат и редица методи за плащане, включително електронни портфейли и банкови преводи. Това позволява на играчите да депозират и теглят пари бързо и лесно.
Повечето онлайн казина в България разполагат с мобилен уебсайт или приложение, така че потребителите да могат да играят любимите си игри в движение. Тези сайтове са проектирани така, че да предоставят същото игрово изживяване като настолните си аналози, без да се губи качеството или функциите. Много от тях включват и функция за чат на живо, за да помогнат на играчите с техните въпроси и проблеми.

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If you care enough about yourself to dare enough… if you are willing not only to invest in yourself but to invest yourself in changing for the good of those around you as well as for yourself… then why not see if our upcoming Learning Opportunities have something for you?

The P6 Constellation

The P6 Constellation is at the heart of our approach to Presence in Action and Symmathesic Agency.  Our experience shows that to develop these transformative capacities for ourselves, we each need to centre in on what happens within us, within the context of our relational realms and the wider world.

The P6 Constellation is not a simplistic tool which our practitioners talk about and DO to you!  As a growing bunch of people living and working in diverse cultural, professional and community contexts, we use the P6 Constellation to open the space for transformational change in ourselves first.

Only when we are proficient enough in our own personal practice and in supporting each other, do we presume to offer it to anyone else!  Through support and shared learning in our Community-in-Practice , our artistry and efficacy with the P6 Constellation grows.

Thus, following the living praxis of Louie Gardiner, its creator, we ‘go there first’ before reaping the delights of passing it on.  And when we do pass it on, we bear witness to profound shifts in executives, professional colleagues, families, friends and children alike. We hear how they in turn, bring benefits to those whose lives they touch: coach to client; mediators to neighbours and families in conflict; friend to friend; Executive Manager to Board Members; peer to peer; partner to partner; parent to child and even child to parent!


Blogging joyfully

Changing the world - starting with ourselves When I first…

Changing the world -starting with ourselves

Paradox of PhD and Poetry How very odd!  As I turned to re-enter…

Following the call!

Here you can hear from one of the P6 Constellation's Pioneer…


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